A Dynamic Process Model of Disenchantment
Kamran-Morley, D., Leana, C. R., & Cohen, R. T. When Magic Becomes Myth: A Dynamic Process Model of Disenchantment with Work. (Revise and Resubmit at Academy of Management Review)
Physicians' Vulnerability to Disenchantment
Kamran-Morley, D., Leana, C. R., Nguyen, V. T., Jacobson, S. L., & Bump, G. M. It's Not Just Burnout: Disenchantment as a Modern Conceptualization of Physician Vulnerability. [Working Paper]
What Makes You Proactive Burns You Out
Lebel, R. D., Yang, X., Parker, S. K., & Kamran-Morley, D. (2023). What makes you proactive can burn you out: The downside of proactive skill building motivated by financial precarity and fear. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(7), 1207–1222. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0001063
Emergency Savings Intervention and Field Performancae
Leana, C. R., Yang, X., Berkowitz, D., & Kamran-Morley, D. The Effect of an Emergency Savings Program on Employee Savings and Work Performance: A Two-Year Field Intervention. (Under Review at Industrial and Labor Relations)
The Energized-To Pathway of Proactivity
Lebel, R. D., & Kamran-Morley, D. (2021). Igniting initiative: Clarifying the conceptualization of the energized-to pathway of proactivity. In K. Z. Peng & C. Wu (Eds) Emotion and Proactivity at Work, 55-76. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
Work Passion in Ideology-Infused Psychological Contracts
Kamran-Morley, D., & Cohen, T. R. (2017). How passion for work manifests in ideology-infused psychological contracts across social class. In Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), pp. 17766.